Patch is Downsizing: A Chance for Smaller Online News Sites?
Is everything small and medium businesses jinxed? Perhaps not, but at least things related to SMBs is pretty challenging these day – online and off line. The latest sad story is the downsizing which is happening in hyper-local news site, Patch. Just launched a small business section a while ago, Patch is under scrutiny of…

Top 10 U.S. Cities for Small Business Employees
One of the biggest issues in starting a small business is hiring. Due to various factors you need to consider, hiring talented small business employees is always a challenge. But there’s a way to access some of the best talents for your small business: Establish your business in a city attractive to job seekers. CardHub…

Does College Education Matter in Small Business?
There is always a controversy whether a college degree matters in running a small business. However, as the rising cost of college degree is constantly rising to overwhelming figures, this big question begs for an answer: Is a college degree still matter? According to a small business survey conducted by Manta, one of the leading…

Angela Jia Kim, Founder and CEO of NYC-based Om Aroma & Co., shares her secrets to success in building a spa boutique small business. We have been in this situation before: We create a business plan, covering every possible aspect we could think of. We thought that we have created a winning business plan, simply…

NSBA’s 2013 Mid-Year Economic Report: Improved Small Business Economic Outlook
Has the recession finally over? Um, not yet, I suppose. However, things are looking better in the eyes of small business owners, survey finds. According to the most recent report released by the National Small Business Association (NSBA,) the overall economic outlook among U.S.’ small business owners is improving. The 2013 Mid-Year Economic Report, conducted…

Can we make money out of other people’s garbage? Well, according to Tom Szaky, the answer is yes, absolutely. Tom is the Founder/CEO of TerraCycle, a successful small business which turns garbage into useful products and, eventually, money. Solving garbage problems Tom started TerraCycle about 10 years ago, and it’s still running and thriving today…

You Said that Small Business Branding is Important – Walk the Talk
Small business branding is more important than ever, according to a recent study on small business owners in Canada: 84 percent said that branding equals success. However, there are some interesting findings which are showing that small businesses can do even BETTER with their branding. In general, small businesses in Canada acknowledge that branding is…

Small Businesses Rely on Technology to Survive: Surveys Reveal
Some small business survey results show that there is a way out for small businesses to survive, even thrive in today’s difficult economy. The results are all funnel down to one critical success factor: Technology adoption. Indeed, in order to be more effective with their already-tight budget consumption, small businesses need to find a way…