SharePoint, the Ideal Choice for Small Businesses
Countless number of small businesses have been using SharePoint quite successfully. They have found SharePoint to be a great solution to collaborate and manage their line-of-business needs on a daily basis – for some good reasons. Here is a quick look at some of the things that make SharePoint work so well for the small…

8 Essential Principles for Growing your Small Business
Owning a small business can be a rewarding experience and a dizzying ride that takes commitment of a significant investment of energy, time and money. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to growing your business, but there are a number of things that can be done to increase the likelihood of success.…

Hologram Displays are Trending in Corporate Events: Here’s Why
Since its early days of conceptualization in the 1970s and 1980s, holographic technology has been as synonymous with popular cultures obsession with what the future will be like –as Marty McFly’s hoverboard. And while early iterations of a real hoverboard are only beginning to get any lift, holograms it seems, are tried, tested, and true…

The Truth About Reuben Singh
How much do you trust what you read, see, and hear in mainstream media? There’s been such a lot of damning evidence against mainstream media of late that anyone trusting it completely is, at best, being regrettably naïve. Unfortunately it’s also the case that anyone trying to learn about some specific situation will primarily get…

Success Tips for First-Time Managers
Being a manager for the first time is similar to what a poor deer must experience when being rushed by one of those BMW’s with those hideously-bright purplish “true white” headlights in the dead of night! You’re center-stage with nobody, perhaps just a few people to clap for you once you’re done with your big…

5 Strategies Every Successful Manager Knows (and Puts into Practice!)
Any seasoned professional in a management role can likely attest to the importance of maintaining a positive work environment that fosters open dialogue, drives productivity and supports team involvement. These attributes encourage company allegiance which, in turn, motivates employees to consistently improve their overall performance and efficiency. However, for novice supervisors, a general lack of…

5 Ways to Improve Operational Efficiency
Today’s businesses face incredible competition that make it crucial for them to improve operational efficiency as much as possible. Wanting to improve efficiency and actually taking steps to do so, however, are two very different things. If you’re serious about making your business more competitive, consider how these five ways to improve operational efficiency could…

VoIP Hardware Reviews: A Roundup of Two Market Leaders
Businesses of all sizes, particularly now those from the midmarket sector, are moving their communications infrastructure away from traditional public switched telephone networks (PSTN) and over to VoIP, allowing them to effectively merge their telephony and internet to form one unified network. The benefits of this include huge savings on international calls and calls between…

Online Communication Tools to Expand your Business
When it comes to running a business, one of the most important things to think about is communication; how will ideas be shared and developed, and how will each member of staff know what is required of them? Internal communication tools Internal communication is essential, which is where online tools such as Yammer, Chatter, Jive,…