Inspecting a New Business Warehouse: Tips for Best Practice
Large scale mergers are all the rage in the current economy, particularly in the thriving UK construction sector. This helps to create more ambitious and comprehensive projects, while also helping individual firms to maximise efficiency and fulfil their potential. A similar principle also drives business take-overs, as entrepreneurs take a specific idea so far before…

The Importance of Compliance in Small Business: 3 Laws to Consider
While small and medium sized enterprises are often referred to as the lifeblood of economic growth, they are also highly susceptible to risk and the impact of recession. No single statistic embodies this strange contradiction more effectively than the fact that 200,000 small businesses were lost in the U.S. alone during the Great Recession, as…

A Practical Guide to Improving your Business Credit Score
A solid business credit score can help your business succeed in many ways. From having access to low interest business loans to the ability to work with companies that view your business as financially stable, business credit scores provide a small snapshot of how you run your business. For the veterans, if your score isn’t…

The Benefits of Creating a Sustainable Business Model
While the UK may be leading the way in economic expansion in the current climate, it is lagging behind its European rivals when it comes to the commercial installation of solar panels. This suggests that there is much for the UK to do if it is to cement its reputation as a trail-blazer for the…

Real Estate Development: Combatting Unexpected Costs
Developing real estate, whether for private tenants or commercial enterprises dealing with offices for sale, is one of the most common forms of entrepreneurship. It’s no surprise that so many people are involved when you consider that you don’t necessarily need any specialist skills to be successful; you need some starting capital and a brain…

How to Set up Your Office
If you’re launching your own company you need to find the right space from which to run the business and start making a profit. However this is an important hurdle to jump and comes with all kinds of things to consider, such as where you want to base yourself in relation to your customers and…

Choosing the Right Accountant for Your Startup
A startup is an exciting world of creativity and innovation, and choosing the right accountant is almost like choosing a new business partner. They’ll become a trusted colleague who you can depend on to offer advice and guidance as your startup grows into the business you’re striving to achieve. Here are some tips to help…