Putting Your Messages Across with Printed PVC Banners
While many people get all hot under the collar when it comes to keeping up to date with the latest trend or fad, the savvy amongst us know that sometimes you shouldn’t try and fix something that isn’t broken. So, while some may be off chasing their own tails with some new-fangled marketing idea, the…

Tips for Successful Safety Audits
The reasons for companies to commission a safety audit are long and varied. While larger companies may use audit management software, smaller companies may prefer to draw up a report manually. There are, however, one or two things that all good auditors adhere to, no matter what the size or sector the business in question…

90 Days to Success: Train New Hires the Right Way!
Employee training involves a heck of a lot more than just defining expectations and teaching skills. A child’s most formative years happen before the age of five. The majority of your dog’s behavior patterns will be developed before they’re six months old. Think of how much time you spend teaching your child how to say…

Making The Change: Switching to Handheld POS
“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” If you want your present circumstance to improve, there needs to be change. Without change you will be stuck in the same spot for years. Without change you can’t grow and move forward. Sometimes though individuals and businesses are hesitant to adapt to technological advancements and resist making a change.…

7 Tips to Give Your Small Business an Edge
Winston Churchill said, “No one can guarantee success in war, but only deserve it,” and in business, it’s much the same. Sometimes, despite your best efforts circumstances will conspire to undermine your success. However, there are some things you can do to make your business worthy of success. Here are 7 great ways you can…

What We can Learn from Shell about Employee Training
Did you know what people resent the most about working for a small business? Well, although you can enjoy a more personal work relationship in a small company, there is one major turnoff: Lack of employee training. Many perceive this as inherited, due to smallish size in capital and budget, but I can assure you,…

Retail Selling 101: Choosing The Right Wholesaler
You don’t go into retail business and buy the products you sell through retail buying. That would be a long, dragging roam around the bush before you actually get the profit you desire. And that’s not even an assurance. If you plan to be a retailer, buy wholesale! For newbies in the retail industry, it…